March 27th, 1999 Constitution and Bylaws of Lighthouse Church of Antioch Preamble We, the members of Lighthouse Church of Antioch declare and establish this Constitution and Bylaws in order to honor and glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Head of the church, to preserve and secure the principles of our faith in order to govern the body in an orderly manner, and preserve the liberties of each individual Church member and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches of like faith and order; in particular those participating in the Southern Baptist Convention.
ARTICLE I: Name, Purpose, and Incorporation Section 1. This congregation shall be known as Lighthouse Church of Antioch. The church is currently meeting at 554 Parkway, Antioch, Illinois. Section 2. The purpose of this congregation is embodied in our motto: "Piercing the darkness with the light of Jesus Christ; Instilling Hope, Establishing Faith, and Developing Character." Lighthouse Church of Antioch exists to carry out the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15; and Acts 1:8; develop Christian fellowship and promote growth in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ among the saints. Section 3. Lighthouse Church of Antioch shall be incorporated in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois governing religious bodies. The handling of property shall be in accordance with such laws.
ARTICLE II:Polity, Doctrine, and Ordinances Section 1. The government of this church is vested in a body of elders who compose the pastorate, in conjunction with the democratic processes described herein. Lighthouse Church of Antioch is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the benefits of mutual counsel and cooperation. Section 2. The essential doctrines for preaching and teaching shall be found in THE LIGHTHOUSE STATEMENT OF FAITH. Also, Lighthouse Church of Antioch recognizes THE BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE as printed in 1963, the former taking precedence. Section 3. The cooperation of Lighthouse Church of Antioch shall be with the Lake County Baptist Association, the Illinois Baptist State Association and the Southern Baptist Convention, or such similar associations or bodies or other like denominational churches or associations that the church may become affiliated with, so long as such cooperation does not violate the autonomy of the church, and the doctrines it has adopted. Section 4. The church embraces the New Testament ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper (or Communion). The definitions and significance of these ordinances are found in THE LIGHTHOUSE STATEMENT OF FAITH. This congregation shall not be limited in adopting other practices as the governing body shall establish provided such practices do not conflict with its established doctrines. ARTICLE III: Church Membership Section 1. The membership of Lighthouse Church of Antioch shall consist of such persons as confess Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord. Section 2. Candidates for membership shall complete an introductory (or welcome) class and/or pamphlet. Upon completion of such they shall notify the elders of their desire for membership and, baring objections, shall be accepted as such. Section 3. The clerk shall maintain a membership roll with the following designations: Active, Inactive and Dismissed. The clerk shall present a list of inactive members as candidates for removal from the rolls annually. Section 4. Termination of membership will result from the following criteria: A. Upon the death of a member. B. Upon request of the member that their name be removed from the roll. C. Upon the member joining another church. D. Upon the withdrawal of membership by the church body. (withdrawal of membership will be exercised in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17). Section 5. Any member who has reached the age of majority shall be eligible for office and able to vote at all business meetings or advisory panels. ARTICLE IV: Church Officers Section 1. Clerk: The church shall elect, annually, a church clerk. The clerk shall keep, in a suitable medium, a record of all the actions of the church, except as otherwise provided. He/she shall keep a register of the names of the members, with dates of admission, dismission, or death, together with records of baptisms. He/She shall issue letters of dismission voted by the church and shall preserve on file all essential communications and written official reports. Subject to the discretion of the church, the clerk is eligible for re-election. The clerk may appoint an assistant at any time during his/her term of service. Section 2. Treasurer: The church shall elect, annually, a church treasurer, who shall be directly accountable to the elder board. The duties of the treasurer shall be to receive, preserve, and pay out all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Payments shall be made by check. A monthly accounting report shall be presented to the church, in writing, at its annual meeting. All books, records, and accounts kept by the treasurer shall be considered the property of the church. The books (excluding the individual giving record of other members) shall be opened to inspection by any contributing member of the church. The treasurer shall be bonded with the church paying the required fee. An annual audit of the financial record shall be made and certification made to the church. The treasurer shall, in cooperation with the elder board, submit a spending plan for the subsequent year at the annual business meeting for adoption by the membership. The spending plan shall be provided to all the membership 10 days before said meeting. The treasurer is eligible for re-election and shall appoint an assistant within 10 days following his/her election who will serve as the financial secretary. Section 3. Financial Secretary: The financial secretary will be responsible for keeping records of all contributions of the individual members. Section 4. Trustees: The church shall elect three trustees (two elders and one non-related member). Trustees shall serve for as long as they remain members in good standing and wish to remain in office. Candidates for trustee shall be nominated by the elder board. Trustees will hold in trust the church property. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church body authorizing each action. It shall be the function of the trustees to affix their signatures to legal documents involving the sale, mortgaging, purchase, or rental of property or other legal documents where the signatures of trustees are required. Section 5. Pastorate: The church shall be governed by a board of elders selected from among the membership. Elders shall be men who are found to exemplify the qualifications spelled out in the New Testament (especially Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus). Potential elders shall be nominated by the elder board and elected for as long as they remain members in good standing after a 4/5 vote at the annual business meeting or a special advisory panel called by the elder board. Section 6. The Senior Pastor: A Senior Pastor (elder) shall be selected by the method described above when a vacancy occurs. All other pastors (elders) shall be considered associates to the senior pastor. The Senior Pastor shall be responsible for all aspects of preaching, worship, music, and the general promotion of holiness in the membership and maintaining accountability standards for all associate pastors and church leaders. Associate Pastors: Associate pastors (elders) would be responsible for specialized fields of ministry such as discipleship, missions, evangelism, youth, and the like as church needs may warrant. All elders, specifically mentioned or not, shall provide general oversight in all church affairs. Section 7. All members shall have the right to petition the elders for address of grievances or offenses. Such redress will not extend beyond dismission of an offender's membership. Section 8. Deacons: Deacons shall be those members who are found to exemplify the qualifications spelled out in the New Testament (especially Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus). They shall be appointed to a specific task or ministry with the affirmation of the church. Their primary responsibility will be to minister to the social (physical) needs of the church and those to whom the church might minister to. Deacons shall serve as deacons as long as they remain members in good standing. Section 9. Anyone appointed to positions of leadership, responsibility, or authority shall exemplify the qualifications and characteristics of such which are prescribed in the Old and New Testaments. Excluded or disqualified from such positions are those who are found to hold or practice behaviors that are specifically prohibited in the Old and New Testaments. These prohibited practices and philosophies are found in, but not limited to, the following biblical passages: Romans 1:24-28, Leviticus 18, 1 Corinthians 5:9, and the like. ARTICLE V: Business Meetings and Advisory Panels Section 1. The elders shall serve as moderators for any and all business meetings and advisory panels. If the meeting involves the censure of an elder or deacon, the Senior Pastor shall moderate. If it involves censure or removal of the Senior Pastor, the Discipleship associate shall moderate. Section 2. Lighthouse Church of Antioch shall hold annual business meetings for the purpose of electing officers and approving a spending plan and other business that effects the membership, such as the sale or purchase of property, capital improvements and the like. All new business shall be provided to the membership 10 days or more prior to the meeting. All resolutions that are voted on shall be passed with a simple majority (except where specified by other sections). Robert's rules of order shall be used by the moderators. Section 3. At any time during the year the elders may call an advisory panel of all or a portion of the membership and/or outside specialists to provide the elder board with advice as to how to proceed in a particular issue or concern. A vote may be taken at the end of such a panel, if warranted. When the elders call an advisory panel for those issues that involve the church as a whole, notification will be provided to the entire membership. Members listed as "active" on the roll shall be notified 10 days prior to the meeting date (except in emergencies). All resolutions that are voted on shall be passed with a simple majority (except where specified by other sections). Robert's rules of order shall be used by the moderators. ARTICLE VI: Amendments Section 1. This constitution shall be amended only by a 4/5ths majority vote of the membership at a constitutional convention. The third trustee shall serve as moderator. All the members listed as "active" on the roll shall be notified 30 days prior to the convention along with the proposed changes in writing. Section 2. Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3rds majority vote at any annual meeting or advisory panel convened for that purpose. The Senior Pastor shall serve as moderator in such a meeting. All the members listed as "active" on the roll shall be notified 14 days prior to the panel along with the proposed changes in writing.